White House Christmas Decorations – level 3

04-12-2020 07:00

America’s First Lady, Melania, Trump has unveiled her final Christmas decorations at the White House.

This year’s theme of the decorations is ’America the Beautiful’, and in her tweet, Trump explained that it was a tribute to the American nation. Trump said that she wanted to honor those who had shaped the country and made it the place that they were proud to call their home.

Compared with previous years, this year’s choice is certainly not as bold as some of Trump’s previous Christmas designs. Trump opted for a traditional style of decor, with green trees, white lights, and red ornaments. The White Christmas tree must stand about 5.5 meters tall and reach the ceiling of the Blue room where the chandelier is removed every Christmas season to accommodate the tree.

Difficult words: tribute (a way to honor someone or something), bold (courageous and confident), decor (the furnishing and decorations of a room), chandelier (a large, decorative hanging light with several light bulbs or candles).

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