Who owns AI art? – level 2

04-04-2023 07:00

AI programs transform the art world, but the legal system doesn’t know yet who owns the creative output — the users, the owners of the programs, or maybe no one at all.

US artist Krish Karhtanova created a comic book with the help of an AI program. In September 2022, she received a copyright from the US Copyright Office, but five months later, the office reversed itself. The office said that there was no human author of the book, and only humans could receive the copyright.

People who create art usually have the legal right to print, publish or sell it. But experts don’t know how to solve situations when people use AI to create art. AI programs usually use free materials on the internet to create new things. But these materials are usually already subject to copyright.

Difficult words: output (something produced by a person, machine, or industry), copyright (the legal right to print, publish or sell an artistic material), reverse ((to take back one’s decision).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What kind of legal framework needs to exist to protect the rights of the people using AI to create art?


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