Young people and concussion – level 2

22-05-2024 15:00

Hannah Parmenter, who is now 21, got a serious concussion when she was 11 while playing soccer. She still has problems from the concussion today.

1.7 million to 3 million young people get concussions every year from playing sports. Doctors used to think that rest was the best treatment for concussions in children. But these days, researchers think that returning to school soon after a concussion might be better. Children who missed less school had fewer problems after two weeks. This means that returning to school and daily life may help the brain recover.

Doctors recommend that parents with children who get concussions should help them socialize, not miss too much school, sleep well, and do light exercise. The research shows that doctors can help kids with concussions, and they should not just wait for them to get better.

Difficult words: concussion (brain injury), treatment (medical care), recover (to be healthy again).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What is the current recommended treatment for children who have suffered concussions according to recent research?


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