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About a tiger and a goat – level 2
05-02-2016 07:00
This news is about Timur, the goat, and Amur,...About a tiger and a goat – level 3
05-02-2016 07:00
It looks like things have turned b-aa-d for the...News about the Colorado shooting – level 2
18-09-2015 15:00
In Colorado, USA, people were watching a midnight premiere...News about the Colorado shooting – level 1
18-09-2015 15:00
This happens in 2012. People are in a cinema....News about the Colorado shooting – level 3
18-09-2015 15:00
New photos have emerged which were taken at the...Pope talks about the Big Bang Theory – level 3
05-11-2014 15:00
Pope Francis has said the Big Bang Theory is...Pope talks about the Big Bang Theory – level 2
05-11-2014 15:00
Pope Francis said that the Big Bang Theory is...Pope talks about the Big Bang Theory – level 1
05-11-2014 15:00
How did the world begin? Some people believe in...