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Hundredth birthday with sharks – level 3

24-03-2015 07:00

It’s not exactly what you’d expect a grandparent to...

Iron Man gives a boy a bionic arm – level 3

20-03-2015 15:00

He plays a bionic character in a film franchise,...

Russian shopping centre on fire – level 2

20-03-2015 07:00

A fire started on the first floor of a...

Russian shopping centre on fire – level 3

20-03-2015 07:00

Five people have died and up to twenty-five people...

Crashing bicycles in Brussels- level 3

18-03-2015 15:00 

A pair of cyclists in Brussels have braved more...

Solar plane flies around the world – level 3

18-03-2015 07:00 

Two pilots hoping to make history have embarked on...

Capital punishment in Utah – level 3

17-03-2015 15:00

Lawmakers in Utah have voted to bring back executions...

Helicopters crash in Argentina – level 1

16-03-2015 15:00

An accident happens in Argentina. Two helicopters hit. Ten...

Police chase a car in Arizona – level 3

16-03-2015 07:00

Dashcam video footage has captured bales of marijuana being...

Motorcyclist hits a man – level 3

12-03-2015 07:00

CCTV footage has been released by the Met Police,...