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Italy Politician in Court – level 3

20-02-2020 07:00

Matteo Salvini is a former deputy Prime Minister of...

Plane Incident in Turkey – level 3

17-01-2018 15:00

A plane from Turkey’s capital of Ankara touched down...

Fight on a Plane – level 3

22-05-2017 07:00

At Burbank, California, passengers were disembarking from a Southwest...

Peruvian Dog Wedding Ceremonies – level 3

27-02-2017 15:00

In Lima, Peru, canines walked down the aisle just...

Fidel Castro’s Death – level 3

01-12-2016 07:00

Cubans gathered at Havana’s historic Revolution Square to pay...

Bar With Dog Waiters – level 3

16-05-2016 15:00

They’ve always been man’s best friend and now they’ve...

Tree man illness – level 3

25-03-2016 07:00

A man in Bangladesh suffers from a rare skin...

Tree man illness – level 2

25-03-2016 07:00

In Bangladesh, a man suffers from a rare skin...

First same-sex naval kiss – level 3

08-03-2016 15:00

Reunited after 8.5 months apart, this is the moment...

First same-sex naval kiss – level 2

08-03-2016 15:00

Whenever a naval ship returns to port, people select...