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500,000 Americans Die from COVID-19 – level 3

01-03-2021 07:00

Nearly a year since the pandemic upended the nation,...

Printed House – level 3

25-02-2021 07:00

Most homes are built block by block or brick...

Singer Sells Clothes – level 2

22-02-2021 07:00

Janet Jackson is a 54-year-old American singer and Michael...

Apple Electric Car – level 3

15-02-2021 15:00

Apple’s possible entry into the global market for cars...

Two Million People Die from COVID-19 – level 3

22-01-2021 07:00

The world has hit a frightening COVID-19 threshold, with...

Better Future for Businesses – level 3

21-01-2021 07:00

Once COVID-19 vaccination is widespread, consumer and workplace behavior...

WHO Team Cannot Get to China – level 1

11-01-2021 07:00

A team of 10 experts is going to China....

Joke About a Bicycle – level 2

30-12-2020 15:00

A man is driving in the city. The maximum...

Paris Deal – level 3

16-12-2020 07:00

Five years ago, the world reached a historic deal...

First Person Gets a Vaccine – level 3

14-12-2020 07:00

90-year-old Margaret Keenan is the first person in the...