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Harbin Ice Festival – level 3

21-01-2015 15:00

A 300-meter-long ice slide has proven to be the...

News from the American city of Ferguson – level 3

03-12-2014 15:00

Gun store owners in the US city of Ferguson...

Polar bear triplets in Holland – level 2

03-12-2014 07:00

A polar bear gave birth to rare polar bear...

Polar bear triplets in Holland – level 1

03-12-2014 07:00

Polar bear triplets are born. They are born in...

Bio-bus runs on poo – level 3

27-11-2014 15:00

The UK’s first number two bus is to hit...

Men try the pain of giving birth – level 2

26-11-2014 15:00

Being a parent isn’t always easy, especially when it...

Say hello to footgolf – level 2

24-11-2014 15:00

Footgolf first appeared in 2009, and it is becoming...

Say hello to footgolf – level 3

24-11-2014 15:00

A cross between football and golf proves a hit...

Needle in a haystack – level 3

19-11-2014 15:00

An Italian artist has begun the arduous task of...

Teenage mothers in Venezuela – level 3

17-11-2014 15:00

This display showing mannequins of pregnant schoolgirls at a...