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Toy Saves a Boy’s Life – level 3

08-05-2017 07:00

A boy named Emre was ill and doctors were...

Mobile Bookshop in Baghdad – level 2

02-05-2017 07:00

In Baghdad, a bookworm turned his van into a...

Mobile Bookshop in Baghdad – level 1

02-05-2017 07:00

In Baghdad, a man changes his van. He turns...

Mobile Bookshop in Baghdad – level 3

02-05-2017 07:00

In Baghdad, a bookworm named Ali al-Moussawi turned his...

The US Attacks Syria – level 2

17-04-2017 07:00

In Syria, someone used chemical weapons. Innocent civilians died....

The US Attacks Syria – level 3

17-04-2017 07:00

In Syria, US air-strikes were for the first time...

Man Eats Pancakes in the Street – level 3

07-04-2017 07:00

Florida police charged 21-year-old Kieran Thomas because he blocked...

3D Street Art in Dubai – level 3

05-04-2017 07:00

The Dubai Canvas Event is a 3D art festival...

Spring in Mexico – level 3

28-03-2017 15:00

Thousands of Mexicans have been visiting the pyramids of...

Stolen Violin Returns – level 3

20-03-2017 15:00

A violin called the Ames Stradivarius, is one of...