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Football helps people in Jordan – level 3

20-05-2015 15:00

For these children in Jordan, the reality of everyday...

App shows who is polluting – level 2

15-05-2015 07:00

16 of the world’s 20 cities with the worst...

Extreme ironing – level 2

12-05-2015 15:00

A Brit once came home and found a pile...

Medical 3D printing helps babies – level 2

08-05-2015 07:00

Two doctors who work at a university hospital in...

Medical 3D printing helps babies – level 3

08-05-2015 07:00

Researchers at the University of Michigan have released a...

World War I memorial – level 2

06-05-2015 15:00

During World War I, there was a big battle...

Small baboon at the Bronx Zoo – level 2

05-05-2015 07:00

A gelada baboon was born last fall and now...

Earthquake in Nepal – level 2

30-04-2015 07:00

There was a great earthquake in Nepal. Around 3,700...

Group says chimps are like people – level 3

29-04-2015 07:00

An animal rights group has been granted a court...

Group says chimps are like people – level 2

29-04-2015 07:00

Two chimps live at a university in New York...