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Train from China to England – level 2

24-01-2017 07:00

A train arrived in the UK from China after...

Fight in the Turkish Parliament – level 2

17-01-2017 07:00

The Turkish politicians in power support new amendments. These...

Karate Against Rape – level 3

09-01-2017 15:00

Myanmar’s long-running ethnic war has seen many people killed,...

Birds in a Christmas Tree – level 1

14-12-2016 15:00

This news is from Brazil. A bird builds a...

Amur Tiger Cubs – level 3

12-12-2016 07:00

At the Milwaukee County Zoo, in Wisconsin, USA, the...

Dog Yoga in Japan – level 2

22-11-2016 07:00

In Japan, 136 people did yoga with their dogs...

Andy Murray is No. One – level 3

15-11-2016 07:00

Andy Murray, the British tennis player, became number one...

Hugs Not Walls – level 2

08-11-2016 07:00

Many people come from Mexico into the US illegally...

Oldest Orangutan – level 3

01-11-2016 15:00

Puan, an old resident of Perth Zoo, has been...

Baby Gorilla – level 3

28-10-2016 15:00

Keepers at San Diego Zoo Safari Park in California...