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North and South Korean families meet – level 3
03-11-2015 07:00
It’s taken 60 years, but now families torn apart...Daniel Craig visits Cyprus – level 3
20-10-2015 15:00
In true James Bond style, actor Daniel Craig dropped...Migrants in Hungary – level 3
15-09-2015 15:00
A group of several hundred migrants decided to walk...Migrants in Hungary – level 2
15-09-2015 15:00
A group of several hundred migrants decided to walk...Boy drinks dog milk – level 3
11-09-2015 07:00
A two-year-old boy has been taken into protective care...North and South Korea – level 2
28-08-2015 15:00
North and South Korea are enemies. The situation between...North and South Korea – level 1
28-08-2015 15:00
Two South Korean soldiers are at the border with...