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Gang destroys machines – level 3
20-06-2014 07:00
Caught on CCTV, the timeline of a gang targeting...Ride on a suitcase – level 2
18-06-2014 15:00
A Chinese man came up with an interesting invention....Animals in the water – level 2
16-06-2014 07:00
Torrential rains and flooding threatened the lives of cattle...Bizarre sports – level 3
12-06-2014 07:00
It’s not the most renowned international sporting competition, but...Illustrations from North Korea – level 3
10-06-2014 07:00
These illustrated messages of misery by a man who...91 year-old marathon runner – level 3
09-06-2014 15:00
“I’m Harriette Thompson, and I’m 91 years old, and...