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Chinese cat is saved – level 3

02-09-2014 15:00

Yao Yao the cat is celebrating new found freedom...

Chinese cat is saved – level 2

02-09-2014 15:00

A Chinese man heard cats fighting on the roof...

Chinese cat is saved – level 1

02-09-2014 15:00

A man from China hears something. It is some...

Prison break in Brazil – level 3

02-09-2014 07:00

This footage filmed on a mobile phone shows prisoners...

Prison break in Brazil – level 2

02-09-2014 07:00

Thirteen Brazilian prisoners dug a tunnel from their cell...

Prison break in Brazil – level 1

02-09-2014 07:00

This happens in Brazil. It is about thirteen prisoners....

Police car hits a car – level 3

01-09-2014 07:00

“He’s going to hit! He’s going to hit! He’s...

Dead woman in a suitcase – level 3

18-08-2014 07:00

The body of an American tourist has been found...

Fire on a Chinese bus – level 2

17-07-2014 07:00

Chinese police released a security camera video. It showed...

Fire on a Chinese bus – level 3

17-07-2014 07:00

Chinese police have released this surveillance footage showing the...