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Bradley Cooper’s nose – level 3

08-09-2023 15:00

The makeup artist for Bradley Cooper’s Leonard Bernstein biopic...

Pakistan cable car rescue – level 3

25-08-2023 07:00

Eight people were rescued from a cable car that...

Gold mining has an impact on animals – level 3

10-08-2023 07:00

Scientists in Peru’s Los Amigos Biological Station are conducting...

Drones deliver letters – level 3

08-08-2023 07:00

The UK’s first drone delivery service that can be...

Fukushima water will get into the ocean – level 3

07-07-2023 07:00

Japan has received approval from the United Nations’ nuclear...

Future of jobs – level 3

05-05-2023 07:00

A survey conducted by the World Economic Forum reveals...

Undersea nuclear drone – level 3

28-03-2023 07:00

North Korea has tested its latest weapon, an underwater...

The origin of COVID-19 – level 3

09-03-2023 07:00

The World Health Organization said that all hypotheses of...

US companies to make chips – level 1

06-03-2023 15:00

In August last year, the US government passes a...

US companies to make chips – level 2

06-03-2023 15:00

In August last year, the US government passed a...