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WhatsApp Hack – level 2
06-11-2019 07:00
Facebook says, that an Israeli company, NSO Group, hacked...New Planet with Water – level 3
23-09-2019 07:00
Scientists studying data from the Hubble Space Telescope discovered...Running Red Lights – level 3
02-09-2019 15:00
According to data released by the American Automobile Association...Global Population in 2100 – level 2
28-06-2019 15:00
The UN wrote a report about the global population....Global Population in 2100 – level 3
28-06-2019 15:00
The Pew Research Centre wrote its own report on...Dying Teenagers – level 3
22-05-2019 15:00
According to the CDC (an American organisation concerned with...