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Yemen is under attack – level 3
11-05-2015 07:00
Fighter jets from the Saudi-led coalition pounding Yemen’s main...Tattoo festival in Russia – level 3
08-05-2015 15:00
This is the Russian resort of Sochi, looking very...Police arrest protestors in US – level 3
07-05-2015 15:00
Protests have taken place in several US cities over...Medical 3D printing helps babies – level 3
08-05-2015 07:00
Researchers at the University of Michigan have released a...World War I memorial – level 3
06-05-2015 15:00
Thousands of people from Australia, New Zealand, and Turkey...Thai police find a camp – level 3
05-05-2015 15:00
Thai police have discovered at least 30 graves believed...Small baboon at the Bronx Zoo – level 3
05-05-2015 07:00
Monkeying around for the first time, this is America’s...Snowslide hits the Everest base camp – level 3
04-05-2015 15:00
This dramatic video shows the Everest base camp as...Amazing meteor shower in China – level 3
04-05-2015 07:00
This beautiful time-lapse footage is the annual Lyrid meteor...