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Hainan towers – level 3
13-01-2022 07:00
39 buildings in construction have to be demolished. They...Telescope Collapses – level 3
09-12-2020 15:00
The Arecibo Telescope was a 305-meter radio telescope that...Albania Theatre – level 2
25-05-2020 07:00
On May 17, workers demolished Albania’s National Theatre in...Albania Theatre – level 3
25-05-2020 07:00
Albania’s National Theatre in the capital, Tirana, was demolished...Workers Destroy Nuclear Plant – level 3
20-05-2020 15:00
The cooling towers at the site of a former...Italy’s New Bridge – level 2
06-05-2020 07:00
Two years ago, a bridge in Genoa, Italy, collapsed....Old NASA Towers – level 1
19-07-2018 07:00
Cape Canaveral is in Florida. NASA launches rockets there....