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The world’s largest dam – level 3
05-07-2021 07:00
The giant Baihetan hydropower plant in China opens for...Problems in car industry – level 1
18-05-2021 07:00
Automakers have big problems. There are not enough chips...Problems in car industry – level 3
18-05-2021 07:00
The global semiconductor chip shortage will cost automakers 110...People live in a 3D-printed house – level 3
07-05-2021 15:00
A Dutch couple have become Europe’s first tenants of...Robots help children – level 3
30-04-2021 07:00
The Robot for Autism Behavioral Intervention program is designed...Egypt mummies – level 3
09-04-2021 07:00
22 prized royal mummies were transported through Cairo, Egypt,...Unusual Cards – level 2
27-01-2021 07:00
Indy Mellink is a 23-year-old psychology student and designer...