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Face projection – level 3

11-09-2014 15:00

We’ve all heard the saying ’painting on a smile’. Well one...

Say hello to hoverbikes – level 3

05-09-2014 15:00

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No,...

Great skatepark in Bolivia – level 3

03-09-2014 15:00

Skateboarding in Bolivia is not just extreme, but also...

Great skatepark in Bolivia – level 2

03-09-2014 15:00

A group built a new skatepark in Bolivia. Over...

Great skatepark in Bolivia – level 1

03-09-2014 15:00

A group builds a skatepark in Bolivia. 100 people...

Self-building robot – level 3

26-08-2014 07:00

Scientists in the US have created a robot that...

Crop circle in Germany – level 3

04-08-2014 07:00

This mysterious crop circle has been spotted in a...

Thousands of kites – level 3

01-05-2014 07:00

Weird and wonderful shapes over China’s Shandong Province, as...