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Russian and the West – level 3
19-02-2016 07:00
A show of force from the Russian Defence Ministry…...The mask of Tutankhamun – level 3
22-12-2015 15:00
This is the mask of Tutankhamun, Egypt’s famous boy...Dam in Brazil bursts – level 3
10-11-2015 15:00
A burst dam in Mariano, southeast Brazil, is thought...Plane crashes in Egypt – level 3
05-11-2015 07:00
A Russian airliner has crashed in Egypt, central Sinai,...New tortoise is discovered – level 3
30-10-2015 15:00
A new species of giant tortoise has been identified...Festival in Malta – level 3
08-09-2015 07:00
Contestants showed their greasy pole climbing prowess on Sunday...