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Protests over Fukushima water – level 3

31-08-2023 07:00

Protesters in South Korea gathered to demand action from...

Lego Death Star – level 3

25-08-2023 15:00

In a Legoland in England, people constructed one of...

Lego Death Star – level 1

25-08-2023 15:00

This news is about Star Wars. Are you a...

Lego Death Star – level 2

25-08-2023 15:00

In England, people made one of the biggest ever...

Doctors say no to tackling in rugby – level 2

16-08-2023 15:00

Rugby is a competitive and rough sport that people...

Walt Disney and AI – level 3

14-08-2023 07:00

Walt Disney has established a task force to explore...

Gold mining has an impact on animals – level 3

10-08-2023 07:00

Scientists in Peru’s Los Amigos Biological Station are conducting...

Europe heatwave – level 3

18-07-2023 07:00

Greece closed the Acropolis to protect tourists from scorching...

World’s hottest week – level 3

11-07-2023 07:00

The UN secretary general expressed concern that climate change...

Dutch government bans phones in schools – level 2

10-07-2023 07:00

The Dutch government decided to ban mobile phones, tablets,...