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Little wombat is saved – level 3
09-11-2023 15:00
Jodie Bradshaw, who runs FreeHearts Animal Sanctuary in Tasmania,...The US needs more soybean oil – level 3
06-11-2023 07:00
The US Department of Agriculture predicts that the growing...World’s oldest dog dies – level 3
30-10-2023 15:00
Bobi, an extraordinary Portuguese mastiff, set a new world...Plankton harms the sea – level 3
25-09-2023 07:00
Off the eastern coast of Thailand, an unusually dense...Protests over Fukushima water – level 2
31-08-2023 07:00
Protesters gathered in South Korea’s capital. They demand the...Protests over Fukushima water – level 3
31-08-2023 07:00
Protesters in South Korea gathered to demand action from...Gold mining has an impact on animals – level 3
10-08-2023 07:00
Scientists in Peru’s Los Amigos Biological Station are conducting...The true cost of food – level 2
04-08-2023 07:00
Discount supermarket Penny in Germany asked customers to pay...The true cost of food – level 3
04-08-2023 07:00
German discount supermarket Penny is asking shoppers to pay...People go to see a volcano – level 3
17-07-2023 07:00
Authorities in Iceland are warning tourists to stay away...