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Toxic Water in Fukushima – level 3

13-09-2019 15:00

In 2011, a disaster struck the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear...

The World’s Oxygen – level 3

09-09-2019 15:00

People are concerned about the amount of oxygen in...

Running Red Lights – level 2

02-09-2019 15:00

In 2017 alone, 939 people in the USA died...

Running Red Lights – level 3

02-09-2019 15:00

According to data released by the American Automobile Association...

Copyright on the Internet – level 3

03-05-2019 07:00

The European Parliament gave the green light to copyright...

Microsoft and Pharmacy Together – level 3

25-01-2019 07:00

Microsoft and Walgreens, America’s second largest pharmacy store chain,...

St. Patrick’s Day for Animals – level 2

20-03-2018 07:00

On Saturday, it was St. Patrick’s Day, and the...

St. Patrick’s Day for Animals – level 1

20-03-2018 07:00

On Saturday, it was St. Patrick’s Day. Animals at...

St. Patrick’s Day for Animals – level 3

20-03-2018 07:00

Zookeppers at Brookfield Zoo in Chicago decorated the animals’...

The Imbolc Fire Festival – level 3

09-02-2018 07:00

The Imbolc Fire Festival is thousands of years old...