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Billionaire Helps Students – level 3

31-05-2019 07:00

Billionaire investor Robert F. Smith gave nearly 400 graduating...

Changing Facebook – level 2

17-05-2019 15:00

A co-founder of Facebook wrote in a newspaper that...

Russian Internet – level 3

07-05-2019 07:00

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a new measure last...

Deadly Elections – level 1

06-05-2019 07:00

Two elections take place in Indonesia. People choose their...

Copyright on the Internet – level 3

03-05-2019 07:00

The European Parliament gave the green light to copyright...

Situation in Fukushima – level 2

25-04-2019 07:00

An earthquake and a tsunami struck Japan’s Fukushima nuclear...

Changes to School Food – level 1

12-04-2019 07:00

President Trump is the president of the USA. President...

Cholera in Mozambique – level 2

03-04-2019 07:00

Cholera is a disease which causes diarrhoea. If ill...

Cholera in Mozambique – level 3

03-04-2019 07:00

Last Wednesday, the first five cases of cholera in...

People Can’t Go Home in San Diego – level 1

01-03-2019 07:00

Sixteen people need help in San Diego. They are...