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Tree man illness – level 2

25-03-2016 07:00

In Bangladesh, a man suffers from a rare skin...

Tree man illness – level 1

25-03-2016 07:00

A man in Bangladesh has an unusual skin illness....

ExoMars mission – level 3

24-03-2016 07:00

Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan. A Proton rocket stands ready for...

Horse in a tweed suit – level 3

23-03-2016 15:00

A day at the races is an excuse to...

Breivik at court – level 3

21-03-2016 07:00

Mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik raises his right arm...

Dangerous dentist – level 3

18-03-2016 07:00

This is the dentist French media are calling “the...

Dangerous dentist – level 2

18-03-2016 07:00

In central France last week, a fifty-one-year-old French dentist...

Andy Murray has a baby daughter – level 3

16-03-2016 15:00

Not only is he being kept on his toes,...

War children of Syria – level 3

16-03-2016 07:00

Samir Duwoot says she cries every day because her...

War children of Syria – level 2

16-03-2016 07:00

The war in Syria is now five years old,...