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2020 Olympic Mascots – level 2

26-07-2018 07:00

The 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games are going to...

France Wins World Cup – level 3

23-07-2018 07:00

France won the World Cup for the second time...

Trump in Britain – level 3

18-07-2018 07:00

US President Donald Trump came to England on Friday...

Thai Boys Saved – level 3

12-07-2018 07:00

On June 23rd, twelve boys and their football coach...

Thai Boys Saved – level 2

12-07-2018 07:00

Twelve boys and their football coach were trapped in...

Thai Boys Saved – level 1

12-07-2018 07:00

Thirteen Thai people are trapped in a cave. The...

World Pup – level 3

10-07-2018 07:00

Doctors say that a person’s heart rate can more...

Saving Rhinos – level 2

06-07-2018 07:00

People banned the international trade of rhino horn in...

Saving Rhinos – level 1

06-07-2018 07:00

It is illegal to trade rhino horns. However, people...

Little Twin Elephants – level 1

03-07-2018 07:00

There is good news from a national park in...