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Needle in a haystack – level 2

19-11-2014 15:00

An Italian artist tried to find a needle in...

Needle in a haystack – level 3

19-11-2014 15:00

An Italian artist has begun the arduous task of...

Special skatepark in London – level 1

05-11-2014 07:00

There is a skatepark in London. It is 36...

Spacecraft is close to a comet – level 3

13-08-2014 07:00

After a decade-long mission, a European spacecraft has arrived...

Spacecraft is close to a comet – level 2

13-08-2014 07:00

People launched a spacecraft in March 2004. It traveled...

Spacecraft is close to a comet – level 1

13-08-2014 07:00

A spacecraft went into space in 2004. It moved...

Baby walrus – level 3

11-07-2014 15:00

The first baby walrus born in Germany was proudly...

91 year-old marathon runner – level 3

09-06-2014 15:00

“I’m Harriette Thompson, and I’m 91 years old, and...

Biggest flying animals – level 3

09-04-2014 07:00

The largest flying vertebrates in earth’s history are taking...