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Monster truck accident – level 2

07-10-2014 07:00

A monster truck drove into two people and killed...

Tonnes of dead fish – level 3

10-09-2014 07:00

Hundreds and thousands of dead fish have taken over...

Say hello to hoverbikes – level 3

05-09-2014 15:00

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No,...

Tiger eats a cow – level 2

05-08-2014 07:00

Someone released a video from China. This person took...

Laughter yoga – level 3

24-07-2014 15:00

Bad day at work? Well, how about a bit...

Laughter yoga – level 2

24-07-2014 15:00

Are you feeling sad? Why not try laughter yoga!...

Very big jellyfish – level 3

08-07-2014 07:00

Described as a gentle giant of the jellyfish world,...

Signal from space – level 3

01-07-2014 07:00

Astronomers have detected a mysterious signal 240 million light...

Spy in China – level 2

16-05-2014 07:00

Government in China captured a spy. He told officials...

Spy in China – level 3

16-05-2014 07:00

This is a military spy according to the Chinese...