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California Highway Collapses – level 3

08-02-2021 07:00

A section of iconic Highway 1 in California, US,...

Somalia Hotel Attack – level 3

05-02-2021 15:00

According to police, nine people died after Islamist insurgents...

100 Years of the Word Robot – level 1

03-02-2021 07:00

The word ’robot’ comes from the Czech language. The...

100 Years of the Word Robot – level 3

03-02-2021 07:00

The word ’robot’ was first used in a Czech-language...

100 Years of the Word Robot – level 2

03-02-2021 07:00

Do you know where the word ’robot’ comes from?...

New President Asks People to Wear Masks – level 3

27-01-2021 15:00

US president, Joe Biden, unveiled a national strategy to...

Unusual Cards – level 1

27-01-2021 07:00

Indy Mellink lives in the Netherlands. She is 23...

Unusual Cards – level 2

27-01-2021 07:00

Indy Mellink is a 23-year-old psychology student and designer...

Unusual Cards – level 3

27-01-2021 07:00

A 23-year-old Dutch psychology student and designer has created...

People Eat Less Chocolate – level 3

19-01-2021 07:00

People in the US and Europe are eating less...