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Swimmer faints in the pool – level 2
29-06-2022 15:00
In Budapest, Hungary, 25-year-old artistic swimmer Anita Alvarez fainted...IKEA Pictures in a Museum – level 3
27-06-2022 15:00
Dutch YouTube pranksters managed to trick more than a...Chimp Knocks Down Drone – level 2
14-06-2022 15:00
People are making a TV show in the Netherlands...An Underwater Surprise – level 1
13-06-2022 15:00
This news is from Arizona, USA. Somebody snorkels in...Sixth finger – level 2
01-06-2022 15:00
Japanese and French scientists developed a robotic sixth finger....Man cooks meat underground – level 2
31-05-2022 07:00
In the past, people in Algeria cooked meat on...