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Chaos in UK Parliament – level 3
30-09-2019 15:00
Earlier this month, Prime Minister Boris Johnson suspended the...Europe’s Plan for Migrants – level 3
30-09-2019 07:00
Last Monday, four EU countries agreed on a new...New Tall Building in New York – level 3
27-09-2019 15:00
Central Park Tower has just become the tallest residential...Octoberfest 2019 Begins – level 3
27-09-2019 07:00
The 186th Oktoberfest is officially under way. The mayor...The US and the World – level 3
25-09-2019 15:00
American leaders have different opinions on how the US...E-Cig Ban in India – level 3
24-09-2019 07:00
Last Wednesday, India completely banned e-cigarettes saying that they...New Planet with Water – level 3
23-09-2019 07:00
Scientists studying data from the Hubble Space Telescope discovered...Hamza bin Laden – level 3
20-09-2019 15:00
Hamza bin Laden, Osama bin Laden’s son, was officially...