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Synchronized walking – level 3
13-07-2023 15:00
Most people are familiar with synchronized swimming, but have...EU’s first gay president – level 3
13-07-2023 07:00
Edgars Rinkevics, the former foreign minister of Latvia, has...Animals play the keyboard – level 3
12-07-2023 15:00
Zookeepers from the Smithsonian’s National Zoo wanted to give...World’s hottest week – level 3
11-07-2023 07:00
The UN secretary general expressed concern that climate change...Man inside a big water balloon – level 3
10-07-2023 15:00
An American Youtuber attempted to become a human water...Dutch government bans phones in schools – level 3
10-07-2023 07:00
The Dutch government has announced a ban on mobile...In the middle of a river – level 3
07-07-2023 15:00
Emergency services in Russia came to rescue two children...Fukushima water will get into the ocean – level 3
07-07-2023 07:00
Japan has received approval from the United Nations’ nuclear...Biggest dinosaur – level 3
06-07-2023 15:00
Palaeontologists in Argentina unearthed what they say is the...