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Earthquake in New Zealand – level 3

19-02-2016 15:00

Cliffs crumble into the sea, spreading clouds of dust...

Lightning from space – level 3

16-02-2016 15:00

A light show like no other – this is...

Baby elephant at Berlin Zoo – level 3

08-01-2016 07:00

A Happy New Year means a happy new baby...

Fire in Dubai – level 2

04-01-2016 07:00

In Dubai, a fire broke out at a building...

Fire in Dubai – level 3

04-01-2016 07:00

A fire has broken out in Dubai at a...

Dogs born by IVF – level 3

15-12-2015 07:00

Rarely is a major scientific breakthrough so darn cute...

BMW’s boss falls on stage – level 3

22-09-2015 07:00

BMW was forced to bring it’s showpiece to an...

Protest against cuts – level 3

13-07-2015 07:00

Thousands of protesters packed the streets of London’s financial...

James Horner dies – level 3

03-07-2015 07:00

Hollywood composer James Horner, who scored the oscar-winning film...

The Palace of Westminster is Old – level 3

23-06-2015 15:00

Restoration work on the Houses of Parliament could cost...