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Turkey–USA–Russia – level 2

25-07-2019 07:00

Turkey was negotiating with the USA to buy an...

Turkey–USA–Russia – level 3

25-07-2019 07:00

The Turkish Defence Ministry reported parts of a Russian...

Amazon Rainforest – level 1

16-07-2019 07:00

This news is about the Amazon Rainforest. Scientists say...

Amazon Rainforest – level 2

16-07-2019 07:00

Sixty per cent of the Amazon Rainforest is in...

Amazon Rainforest – level 3

16-07-2019 07:00

Brazil is home to 60% of the Amazon Rainforest...

Health Care Changes – level 3

05-07-2019 07:00

President Donald Trump signed an executive order that gives...

Global Population in 2100 – level 1

28-06-2019 15:00

The UN writes a report about the number of...

Facebook Money – level 2

26-06-2019 15:00

Last Tuesday, Facebook talked about its plans for its...

Facebook Money – level 3

26-06-2019 15:00

Last Tuesday, Facebook unveiled its plans for its digital...

Russia and EU Elections – level 1

21-06-2019 15:00

In May, the EU holds elections to the European...