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Pyramids are scanned – level 3
18-11-2015 07:00
For the first time ever, scanning technology’s been used...Day of the Skull – level 3
13-11-2015 15:00
Bolivians have celebrated an ancient tradition rooted in indigenous...Dam in Brazil bursts – level 3
10-11-2015 15:00
A burst dam in Mariano, southeast Brazil, is thought...Plane crashes in Egypt – level 3
05-11-2015 07:00
A Russian airliner has crashed in Egypt, central Sinai,...Blair is sorry for the mistakes in Iraq war – level 3
04-11-2015 15:00
Tony Blair has acknowledged that the 2003 Iraq invasion...Blair is sorry for the mistakes in Iraq war – level 1
04-11-2015 15:00
The West attacked Iraq. The West said that Iraq...Chinese President visits Britain – level 1
26-10-2015 07:00
The Chinese President visits Great Britain. He is there...