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Microchips in the skin – level 3
11-03-2015 07:00
An office in Sweden is taking wearable technology to...Anti-Valentine’s Day protest – level 2
19-02-2015 07:00
A conservative Hindu group in India protested against Valentine’s...Ice fishing festival – level 3
09-01-2015 15:00
The ice fishing festival continues in Northeast China’s Jilin...Children’s race in Ecuador – level 2
11-12-2014 15:00
A decade-old tradition took place in a city in...Children’s race in Ecuador – level 3
11-12-2014 15:00
Well, this looks like a super-sensible idea – get...Roller coaster in a house – level 2
09-12-2014 15:00
A Dutch company released a new advertising campaign. Part...