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Say hello to hoverbikes – level 3

05-09-2014 15:00

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No,...

Big fire in Canada – level 3

31-07-2014 15:00

A three-alarm fire ripped through an industrial complex in...

Big fire in Canada – level 2

31-07-2014 15:00

A big fire broke out in an industrial complex...

Shrimp in China – level 2

25-07-2014 07:00

There are plains in China where it rains very...

Shrimp in China – level 3

25-07-2014 07:00

These north China plains are normally used to getting...

Shrimp in China – level 1

25-07-2014 07:00

This news is from China. There is a dry...

Cheetah and a dog – level 3

30-06-2014 07:00

You might think that they would be unlikely playmate,...

Animals in the water – level 2

16-06-2014 07:00

Torrential rains and flooding threatened the lives of cattle...

The heaviest man dies – level 2

06-06-2014 07:00

The heaviest man in the world has died. The...

Tallest Lego tower – level 3

02-06-2014 15:00

Hungary has managed to set a new world record...