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Dangerous Turbulence – level 3
16-05-2016 07:00
Terrifying footage shows passengers on a packed plane praying...Ferris wheel on fire in Bangkok – level 3
05-05-2016 07:00
A theme park in Thailand has opened an investigation...Argentina sinks a Chinese boat – level 3
21-03-2016 15:00
Argentina’s coastguard has sunk a Chinese fishing trawler after...About a tiger and a goat – level 3
05-02-2016 07:00
It looks like things have turned b-aa-d for the...Man rows from Canada to Australia – level 2
06-01-2016 15:00
For 209 days, a British man rowed from Canada...Man rows from Canada to Australia – level 3
06-01-2016 15:00
British adventurer John Beeden has become the first person...Man rows from Canada to Australia – level 1
06-01-2016 15:00
A British man starts to row from Canada to...Turkey shoots down a Russian plane – level 3
26-11-2015 07:00
Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken out to say...