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Energy from peat – level 3
18-10-2021 07:00
Scientists in Estonia’s Tartu University say that they found...A model is not pretty anymore – level 2
30-09-2021 15:00
In the 1990s, Linda Evangelista was a very popular...A boxer can become a president – level 1
24-09-2021 07:00
Manny Pacquiao comes from the Philippines. He is a...Singapore expats live together – level 2
21-09-2021 07:00
The coronavirus made things more difficult for expats in...Singapore expats live together – level 3
21-09-2021 07:00
Uncertain work projects, anti-foreigner feelings and closed borders made...Singapore expats live together – level 1
21-09-2021 07:00
An expat is someone who lives in another country...Facebook smart glasses – level 3
15-09-2021 15:00
Facebook launched its first smart glasses on Thursday in...Chanel No. 5 – level 1
06-09-2021 15:00
In 1921, French-Russian scientist and perfumer makes Chanel No....Chanel No. 5 – level 2
06-09-2021 15:00
In 1921, French-Russian chemist and perfumer Ernest Beaux made...