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Two-legged Dog – level 2

17-04-2018 07:00

Tobi is a dog from Texas who was born...

Two-legged Dog – level 3

17-04-2018 07:00

Two-year-old dog Tobi from Texas, who was born only...

Robert Mugabe Resigns – level 3

24-11-2017 15:00

In Zimbabwe, thousands of people are celebrating the end...

Robert Mugabe Resigns – level 2

24-11-2017 15:00

In Zimbabwe, thousands of people are celebrating the end...

End of the Circus – level 3

20-01-2017 15:00

After a final curtain call, the end of “the...

End of the Circus – level 2

20-01-2017 15:00

The circus, also known as “the Greatest Show on...

Explosion in Spain – level 3

05-10-2016 15:00

In an explosion in Spain, more than 77 people...

Explosion in Spain – level 2

05-10-2016 15:00

An explosion in Spain injured more than 77 people....

Explosion in Spain – level 1

05-10-2016 15:00

There is an explosion in a café. The café...

Explosion in New York – level 3

23-09-2016 07:00

CCTV footage captured the moment an explosion rocked a...