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Fast Japanese train – level 2
24-04-2015 07:00
Magnetic trains can go really fast. Electrically charged magnets...Fast food restaurant sells a perfume – level 2
07-04-2015 15:00
Burger King restaurants in Japan released a perfume on...Flamethrower you use at home – level 3
01-04-2015 07:00
If you live in America, you could soon own...Microchips in the skin – level 3
11-03-2015 07:00
An office in Sweden is taking wearable technology to...Conjoined twins in China – level 3
09-03-2015 15:00
Doctors have successfully separated conjoined twins at a hospital...Work of Gunther von Hagens – level 3
25-02-2015 15:00
It’s like Madame Tussaud’s but with real bodies. The...Snow in Istanbul – level 2
23-02-2015 07:00
The Bosphorus Strait divides Istanbul into its Asian and...Forty-three students are killed – level 3
05-02-2015 15:00
This footage shows various scenes of a reenactment of...