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London’s Muslim Mayor – level 3
18-05-2016 15:00
The moment Sadiq Khan steps forward for his first...People leave the Republican Party – level 2
13-05-2016 07:00
Ted Cruz and John Kasich suspended their presidential campaigns...People leave the Republican Party – level 3
13-05-2016 07:00
Republican Party members are burning their membership cards to...People leave the Republican Party – level 1
13-05-2016 07:00
Republicans are a group in politics in the USA....Police brutality in Cairo – level 2
28-04-2016 07:00
A policeman got into an argument with a vendor...Prime Minister of Iceland – level 3
11-04-2016 07:00
The Icelandic Prime Minister has stepped down, becoming the...Prime Minister of Iceland – level 2
11-04-2016 07:00
The Panama Papers is a leak of secret information....