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Lost dog is found – level 3

08-09-2014 15:00

A dog has been reunited with his owner after...

Grey wolf in California – level 3

14-07-2014 15:00

San Diego’s latest resident has got a new job....

Baby walrus – level 3

11-07-2014 15:00

The first baby walrus born in Germany was proudly...

Baby walrus – level 2

11-07-2014 15:00

A baby walrus was born at a zoo in...

Cheetah and a dog – level 3

30-06-2014 07:00

You might think that they would be unlikely playmate,...

Small meerkats – level 3

06-06-2014 15:00

Five baby meerkats have taken their first steps into...

Baby seal is lost – level 3

22-04-2014 15:00

This baby seal was found wailing and roaming around...