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15th-century ship – level 2
18-02-2016 15:00
Construction workers in a Dutch port discovered a 15th-century...Gravitational waves – level 3
15-02-2016 15:00
“Ladies and gentlemen… We have detected gravitational waves. We...3D printed leg for a dog – level 3
04-02-2016 07:00
The owners of six-year-old greyhound Romina who lost her...Penguin is getting fat – level 3
29-10-2015 15:00
As Munro the penguin bulks up for moulting season,...Mummified animals – level 2
07-10-2015 07:00
Mummification was a practice in Ancient Egypt. People used...Mummified animals – level 3
07-10-2015 07:00
The Ancient Egyptian practice of mummification led to dead...