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Group of Chinese in Moscow – level 2
13-03-2015 15:00
Russian customs arrested thirty-four Chinese citizens at a Moscow...Microchips in the skin – level 1
11-03-2015 07:00
An office in Sweden does something very different. It...Heavy floods in Bolivia – level 3
04-03-2015 7:00
Bolivia’s government has declared a state of emergency in...Venezuelan police killed a boy – level 3
03-03-2015 07:00
A policeman has shot dead a teenage boy during...Venezuelan police killed a boy – level 2
03-03-2015 07:00
There was a demonstration in a Venezuelan city. Around...Ferry accident in Bangladesh – level 1
27-02-2015 07:00
An accident happens in Bangladesh. A ferry hits a...Ferry accident in Bangladesh – level 2
27-02-2015 07:00
A ferry with 150 people on board collided with...Work of Gunther von Hagens – level 1
25-02-2015 15:00
Gunther von Hagens is a doctor. He is German....