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India opens Hindu temple – level 2

26-01-2024 07:00

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently inaugurated a new...

India opens Hindu temple – level 3

26-01-2024 07:00

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a new Hindu...

Boys sentenced for listening to pop music – level 3

24-01-2024 07:00

North Korean authorities publicly sentenced two 16-year-olds to 12...

Prisoners save a guard – level 3

17-01-2024 15:00

Security cameras captured the scene when hand-cuffed inmates broke...

The story of Alex Batty – level 3

22-12-2023 07:00

British teenager Alex Batty, allegedly kidnapped six years ago,...

Man dies in front of a hospital – level 2

14-12-2023 15:00

A man was having a heart attack in front...

Man dies in front of a hospital – level 3

14-12-2023 15:00

There was shocking footage filmed in front of an...

Man dies in front of a hospital – level 1

14-12-2023 15:00

A man is in front of a hospital. He...

World’s first eye transplant – level 3

15-11-2023 07:00

Surgeons in New York have achieved a groundbreaking feat...

Amnesty for Catalan separatists – level 2

14-11-2023 15:00

Spain’s socialists secured support from the Catalan separatist Junts...