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Dancing after midnight in Japan – level 2

30-10-2014 15:00

It has been illegal to dance in bars and...

Dancing after midnight in Japan – level 3

30-10-2014 15:00

We may have all heard the song “Dancing in...

Cat is sold with a house – level 3

21-10-2014 07:00

Would you give up your beloved family pet in...

Power cut in Santiago – level 3

04-09-2014 15:00

Well, this is the last thing you want at...

Big event in North Korea – level 3

17-07-2014 15:00

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un appears to have...

Signal from space – level 3

01-07-2014 07:00

Astronomers have detected a mysterious signal 240 million light...

Two bears meet – level 3

25-06-2014 07:00

A zoo in Cheshire has welcomed Bernardo the bear,...