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Butterfly pupae at San Diego Zoo – level 3
10-03-2015 15:00
Animal care staff at San Diego Zoo Safari Park...The coffin of Miguel de Cervantes – level 3
04-02-2015 15:00
Scientists believe they found the coffin of legendary Spanish...Auschwitz – level 3
02-02-2015 15:00
Tomorrow marks exactly seventy years since the liberation of...Say hello to a new doll – level 3
02-12-2014 15:00
Cellulite? Stretch marks? Spots? Not normally words you would...Say hello to footgolf – level 2
24-11-2014 15:00
Footgolf first appeared in 2009, and it is becoming...Old tomb in Greece – level 3
18-11-2014 15:00
Greek archaeologists have uncovered an underground grave with a...Museum of Pablo Picasso – level 3
31-10-2014 15:00
Pablo Picasso once boasted,”Give me a museum and I’ll...