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Google and Fitbit – level 1

08-11-2019 15:00

Fitbit is a company that makes wearable technology. Google...

Pesticide Ban – level 1

16-10-2019 07:00

A pesticide is a chemical that a farmer uses...

Pesticide Ban – level 2

16-10-2019 07:00

California bans the sale of a pesticide called chlorpyrifos...

Pesticide Ban – level 3

16-10-2019 07:00

California will ban the sale of a pesticide called...

US and Japan Business – level 1

14-10-2019 07:00

The US and Japan do business together. There are...

US and Japan Business – level 2

14-10-2019 07:00

The US and Japan signed two new trade deals...

Canada and Television – level 3

07-10-2019 15:00

Before there were TV and movies, there was vaudeville,...

Porsche Electric Car – level 1

04-10-2019 15:00

Porsche is a car company. It makes a fully...

Three New Planets – level 3

07-08-2019 07:00

Last April, a NASA satellite launched and discovered three...

Protests in Czech Republic – level 1

01-07-2019 07:00

People in the Czech Republic protest. The protests are...